English Translation: PANORAMA: Reading Practices in Activity Booklet

[pp.22-23] 15-6. Reading Practice

I really like history. Every day, I read history books of various countries. I really like Asian history. Often, I read Japanese and Chinese history books. Furthermore, I also like European history. For my next birthday, I want a French history book.

  1. Wang-san really likes history.
  2. Wang-san never reads history books.
  3. Wang-san really likes Asian history. However, he dislikes European history.
  4. Wang-san, for his next birthday, wants a history book of Great Britain.

[p.27] 17-5. Reading Practice

I was very busy last week. On Monday and Thursday there was Japanese class homework. Furthermore, on Tuesday, there was a very important history class exam. On Wednesday, there was also an exam in the computer science class. Last week was very tough.
This week and next week are not very busy. This week and next week, I will have no exams at all. There is a little homework. However, that homework is not tough at all.
This weekend, I will go to a friend’s house. That house is [located] close to the university. In my friend’s room, there is a big television. We often play games on that big television. My friend and I really like games.

  1. Wang-san, last week, had Japanese class homework, a history class exam, and a computer science class exam. 
  2. Wang-san is very busy this week.
  3. Wang-san has a very important exam this week.
  4. Wang-san has no homework at all this week.
  5. Wang-san, this weekend, will go to a friend’s house.
  6. In Wang-san’s friend’s house, there is a big television.
  7. Wang-san often plays games on his friend’s big television. However, Wang-san’s friend does not like games very much.

[p.30] 20-1. Reading Practice

From 9:00 to 12:30 on Monday through Friday, I have Japanese class. Japanese class is sometimes difficult. However, it is very fun. In Japanese class, I have a lot of friends. With my friends and teacher, every day, I speak a lot of Japanese.
In the afternoon, I often play tennis with my Japanese class friends. I am good at tennis. I sometimes play tennis on the weekends, too. In the evening, I study from around 7:00 until around 11:00. Every night, I do Japanese homework. I study business and computer science, too. I usually go to bed at around 12:00.

[pp. 35-36] 22-2. Reading Practice

I often go to the cafe near the dormitory. Usually, I go there by walking. This cafe is very clean and quiet. Because of that, I often study Japanese at this cafe. I use a computer to memorize vocabulary. I love this cafe.
On the weekend, I often go by bus or bicycle to the department store. I sometimes buy clothes at the department store. This department store’s clothes are expensive. However, there are a lot of good clothes. Inside this department store, there is a large bookstore, too. I often buy history books at this bookstore.
Usually every week, on Wednesday, I go to the supermarket together with my friend. We go by my friend’s car. This supermarket has very delicious sushi. The meat and vegetables also are cheap and good.

(1) Answer the following questions in Japanese.

  1. How does Wang-san go to the cafe?
  2. How does Wang-san memorize vocabulary?
  3. How does Wang-san go to the department store?
  4. How does Wang-san go to the supermarket?

(2) Mark 〇 for statements that are true and ✖ for those that are false.

  1. The cafe near Wang-san’s dormitory is quiet and clean.
  2. Wang-san buys cheap and good clothes at the department store.
  3. Wang-san sells history books at the bookstore inside the department store.
  4. Wang-san’s friend makes delicious sushi at the supermarket.
  5. The supermarket’s vegetables and meat are cheap.

[p.44] 25-3. Reading Practice

Yesterday morning, my pet fish unfortunately died… Because of that, I thought I would call my older brother. However, at that time, my cell phone unfortunately broke.
The afternoon was also tough. I ended up late to history class. Furthermore, I also forgot the homework and ended up going to class without doing the homework. Therefore, I didn’t understand the class very much. History class is always very fun. However, I didn’t understand yesterday’s class, and it was very difficult. Yesterday was really tough…

  1. Yesterday morning, Wang-san’s pet fish died.
  2. Yesterday morning, Wang-san’s older brother broke Wang-san’s cell phone.
  3. Yesterday afternoon, Wang-san did not go to history class.
  4. Yesterday, Wang-san ended up forgetting his history homework.
  5. Wang-san thinks that history class is always difficult and tough.

[pp.45-46] 26-1. Reading Practice

Yesterday I went to the supermarket and bought drinks for the party in advance. I bought meat, fish, and vegetables in advance, too. On Saturday evening, I think I will make Japanese food in advance. Do you want to make it with me?
I think Sunday will be very tough. Because of that, I am thinking I will do Monday’s history homework and study for next week’s science exam on Friday and Saturday. Wang-san, you also have history homework, right? Why don’t we do it together?

  1. The drinks for the party have already been bought.
  2. Meat, fish, and vegetables have already been bought.
  3. Japanese food has already been made.
  4. The Japanese student already finished Monday’s homework.
  5. The Japanese student already did the studying for next week’s exam.

[p.51] 27-7. Reading Practice

I want to try going to Singapore in the future. I heard that Singapore is a very beautiful country. Furthermore, my friend said that in Singapore, one can eat very delicious fish dishes. I really like fish dishes. Because of that, I want to go to Singapore and try eating various fish dishes. I want to try to take a lot of pictures of the famous Merlion, too.

  1. Wang-san came from Singapore.
  2. Wang-san thinks Singapore is a beautiful country.
  3. Wang-san can’t eat fish.
  4. Wang-san ate various dishes in Singapore.
  5. Wang-san thinks he wants to try seeing the Merlion in Singapore.

[p.57] 30-2. Reading Practice

This is the jacket I bought at a department store near the school last year. It is a jacket that was made in Vietnam. It was a little expensive. But, it is a warm and very good jacket. I really like this jacket. This year’s winter, I think I will wear this jacket to college every day.

[p.58] 31-2. Reading Practice

When I was a child, I really liked to sleep and disliked rising in the morning. Because of that, I did not like going to school very much. Every morning, I was thinking, “I don’t want to go to school. I want to be sleeping until around 10:00.” But, every morning at 6 o’clock, my parents woke me up.
Class started at 8:00 every morning. I didn’t dislike studying. It was also fun to see my friends at school. But, I was thinking I wanted my teacher to start class at 12:00.

  1. When Wang-san was a child, he disliked rising in the morning. Because of that, he thought he didn’t want to go to school
  2. When Wang-san was a child, he liked to sleep and was sleeping until around 10 o’clock.
  3. When Wang-san was a child, Wang-san’s parents woke him up every morning at 6 o’clock.
  4. The time that class started at Wang-san’s school was 8 o’clock.
  5. When Wang-san was a child, he disliked studying.
  6. When Wang-san was a child, he thought he did not want to see friends at school.
  7. When Wang-san was a child, his teacher thought she wanted to start class at 12 o’clock.

[p.61] 33-1. Reading Practice


  1. It is a custom that we take a bath at night.
  2. I decided to return to my country during the next summer vacation.
  3. It regrettably came to be that I cannot graduate this year.
  4. I am making it a rule to study Japanese for five hours every day.
  5. It came to be that I would be able to go on the trip that I wanted to go on.
  6. I have decided not to go to restaurants until next month.

a. A student who is expecting to go to Japan next year
b. A student who didn’t study
c. A student who doesn’t have much money
d. A student who received a lot of money
e. A student who wants to see their parents
f. A student who is doing a homestay


  1. ___ I run 10 kilometers every morning. Last year, I ran every morning.
  2. ___ I will major in computer science.
  3. ___ You are still not allowed to smoke a cigarette in Japan.
  4. ___ I have to buy a beautiful dress.

a. A 19 year-old student
b. A student whose friend is expected to marry
c. A student who likes sports
d. A student who likes computers

[p.63] 34-1. Reading Practice

My hobby is drawing pictures. When I am free, I often draw. I draw various pictures. Drawing pictures of cats is my favorite. I also often draw pictures of dogs. I often upload the pictures I draw to my blog and show my friends.
My dream is to make a game. I really like playing games and play them for about three hours every weekend. Often, I play games online with my friend in China. Someday, I want to try making and selling an interesting game with my friend. I want to try making a game that uses cats and dogs.

  1. Wang-san often draws pictures.
  2. Wang-san often draws pictures of dogs and cats.
  3. Wang-san usually doesn’t show anyone his pictures.
  4. Wang-san’s dream is to play a game with his friend in China.
  5. Wang-san is making and selling games online now.
  6. Wang-san thinks he wants to try making a game someday.

[p.67] 36-2. Reading Practice

Next is the weather report. Tomorrow morning, rain will probably fall. It will probably become colder than yesterday. In the afternoon, the weather will become good, and it will probably become warm. Rain will probably not fall. At night, it will probably become very cold and snow will fall.

[pp.70-71] 36-8. Reading Practice

Last week Sunday morning, Suzuki-san, who I became friends with in history class, was supposed to come to my room. We thought we would play games together. But, Suzuki-san unfortunately became sick and couldn’t come. It was really too bad.
According to the weather report, in the afternoon the weather was supposed to be good. Because of that, I went to a mountain with Dubois-san. But, the weather became bad and we were unfortunately rained on. We had planned to climb to the top of the mountain. But, we weren’t able to climb at all.
In the evening, I was supposed to be able to watch a movie I really like on the television. But, the television unfortunately broke and did not turn on. Because of that, I couldn’t watch that movie.
Last week Sunday, there really were a lot of tough things. It was not a good day at all.

  1. Wang-san thought he would play games with a friend on last week’s Sunday. But, he was not able to.
  2. Wang-san, last week Sunday, unfortunately became sick. 
  3. Wang-san thought rain would probably fall on last week’s Sunday.
  4. Wang-san, last week Sunday, went to a mountain with Dubois-san. But, they were not able to climb to the very top of the mountain.
  5. Wang-san, last week Sunday, thought he would watch a movie he liked on the television. But, he couldn’t watch it.
  6. Wang-san thought it was good that he was able to do various things on last week’s Sunday.

[p.71] 36-9. Reading Practice

It is often said that this country’s problem is economics. But, I consider this country’s largest problem to be education. I think this country must think about education more.
Now, in this country, there are many children who cannot go to school every day and are unable to study. Finding good jobs in the future will also probably be difficult for children who cannot go to school and study. I think this country should make many more schools to which children from homes with no money can also go. The kids who must work with their parents every day also probably think they want to study at school. I want this country to make schools to which the kids who have to work can also go.

  1. Wang-san thinks this country’s largest problem is probably economics.
  2. Wang-san thinks the fact that kids cannot go to school every day is a big problem in this country.
  3. Wang-san thinks it is best for the children of this country to look for a good job without going to school.
  4. Wang-san thinks there must be many more schools in this country.
  5. Wang-san thinks that the children who must work with their parents every day are probably thinking they don’t want to study.
  6. Wang-san thinks he wants this country to make more schools.

[p.75] 39-1. Reading Practice

Because I wanted to study the Japanese language and Japanese history, I came to Japan. I started studying the Japanese language as a first year student at a university in China, and I came to like speaking Japanese. Because of that, I thought I would study abroad in Japan to speak more Japanese.
Now, because I have many Japanese friends, every day I am able to speak a lot of Japanese. Furthermore, because there are a lot of books written about Japanese history at the library, every day I am able to read a lot. Because I am able to do all the things I wanted to do, I think it is really good that I decided to study abroad in Japan.

  1. Why did Wang-san decide to study abroad in Japan?
  2. Can Wang-san speak a lot of Japanese now? Why is that?
  3. Does Wang-san think he’s glad he studied abroad in Japan?
  4. Why is that?

[pp.77-78] 40-3. Reading Practice

I got up at around 6:30 yesterday. After I got up, I brushed my teeth and ate breakfast. After that, I came to university by bicycle. At university, there was Japanese class from 9 o’clock until 11 o’clock. After class, I went to the cafeteria and ate lunch. Because I had not finished reading the book I had to read before the afternoon history class, I read that book while eating spaghetti.
In the afternoon, after history class finished, I went to the library. At the library, I was supposed to meet with Tanaka-san, so I was reading a Japanese magazine alone until Tanaka-san came. During the time I was waiting for Tanaka-san, few people came to the library, so the library was quiet.
After Tanaka-san came, we went to the department store with Tanaka-san’s car. Tanaka-san was looking for cool clothes. Because I had not planned to buy anything yesterday, together we searched for clothes for Tanaka-san. But, we were unable to find the clothes Tanaka-san wanted. It was a little disappointing.
Before we returned to the dormitory, we went to a restaurant and, while eating dinner, talked a lot about various things. Tanaka-san was saying, “Recently, since I’ve been busy and have had hardly any time to play, this afternoon was very fun.” Because I also had been a little busy recently, yesterday afternoon really was fun.

  1. Wang-san, yesterday morning, before eating breakfast, brushed his teeth.
  2. Wang-san, after eating breakfast, went to the university.
  3. Wang-san, before going to history class, ate lunch.
  4. Wang-san ate lunch while doing Japanese homework.
  5. Wang-san, after history class ended, went to the library.
  6. During the time Wang-san was reading a magazine at the library, the library was loud.
  7. While Tanaka-san was searching in the department store for clothes, Wang-san also was searching alone for things he wanted.
  8. During the time they were at the department store, Wang-san was able to find the clothes that Tanaka-san wanted.
  9. After they went shopping at the department store, Wang-san and Tanaka-san went to a restaurant and ate dinner.
  10. During the time they were eating dinner, Wang-san and Tanaka-san talked a lot about various things.
  11. Tanaka-san said that, since he had been busy recently and had no time, he had not wanted to go to the department store.

[pp.80-81] 41-4. Reading Practice

  1. For the purpose of receiving this, I am working every day.
  2. If you do this with all your effort every day, I think you will become smart.
  3. If you go to a foreign country, you have to get (lit. take) this in advance.
  4. Because my parents who are living in [my home] country can’t use computers that much, without this, I could not speak with my parents.
  5. I bought this so that I would be able to go to school without riding the train.
  6. When it becomes spring, a lot of these bloom.
  7. Without this, I would not be able to study. I think the teacher also would not be able to teach.
  8. When I go to Japanese class, because I can do a lot of this, I do not miss class.
  9. If this unfortunately broke, I would not be able to write reports.
  10. So that I do not become this, I have been making sure to eat good foods every day.
  11. For the purpose of buying meat and vegetables, I went here.
  12. If you go here, I hear you can see a lot of famous old temples.
  13. If you go to Japan, you are supposed to be able to eat a lot of this delicious thing.
  14. We had money. But, because we did not have this, we were not able to go to all the temples to which we wanted to go. The temples are usually closed, unfortunately, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.
  15. For the purpose of traveling to the world’s various countries, I am studying a variety of these things.
  16. I can’t play the piano. But, if it’s this, then I can play it.
  17. I have been making sure to watch this every morning so that I won’t be rained on.

[pp.82-83] 42-1. Reading Practice

  1. Mt. Fuji
    During summer last year, I climbed Mt. Fuji. Since it was a very hot day, I wore a T-shirt when I climbed, but at the absolute top, Mt. Fuji was very cold!
  2. Porsche
    Even though my friend is a student, he is driving a new Porsche. It is a big, red Porsche. (I am working at a company, but every day I am riding my bicycle…)
  3. Unsmiling Teacher
    My business teacher is a very good teacher. But, in class, they do not smile at all. No matter who says anything interesting, they do not smile. Despite the fact that, when talking in their office, they often smile, in class they do not smile. I want to know why they do not smile during class.
  4. Even if rain falls, even if snow falls.
    Every morning, my older sister runs 10 kilometers. Even if rain falls, she runs. Even if snow falls, she runs. When she travels, too, she runs. She runs 365 days [a year]. I think my older sister is really amazing.
  5. Put in sugar…
    Despite the fact that I had planned to have made sweet treats, they were not sweet at all. It seems I unfortunately forgot to put in the sugar…
  6. My cat
    My cat, even though it’s a cat, understands human speech. Usually, no matter what I say, my cat doesn’t say anything. But, when I say “It’s meal [time]”, my cat always says “Nyaa!” and comes running to me. My cat understands human speech.
  7. 80-year-old grandfather
    My grandfather turned 80-years-old this year, but up until now, he has never gone to the hospital. The next time we meet, I’m thinking I’ll try asking what kinds of things he has been eating everyday.
  8. It’s a celebrity.
    My dad’s friend is the president of a company. I heard they are the president of a very big company and are very famous in the economics world. But, I hear that the company president makes it a rule to go to work by bus every day. I also sometimes meet that president inside the bus, but I don’t think anyone riding the bus thinks this person is a famous company president.
  9. Until I die…
    Despite the fact that last month my older brother’s friend said, “Until I die, I won’t get married”, it appears last week they got married. I want to try asking what kind of person they married.
  10. I’m happy, but…
    My friend is sleeping whenever I go to their room. They say they sleep for about 10 hours every night. They do their part time job a lot and it seems as if they aren’t studying at all. But, this friend received a very good grade in a difficult class. I am really happy that my friend was able to receive a good grade. But, because I wasn’t able to receive a good grade despite the fact that I studied without sleeping much, I am a little sad.

[pp.88-89] 44-6. Reading Practice

  1. I drink about 10 cups of coffee everyday. Yesterday I drank as many as 15 cups of coffee. I really like coffee!
  2. Because I’ve been busy recently, there have been times when I could only sleep for 2 hours. Yesterday, too, I was only able to sleep for 2 and a half hours…
  3. My younger brother received for his birthday this year as much as 50,000 yen from our parents. He seemed very happy. I want to know what he will use that money on.
  4. My friend only eats dinner every day. In the morning and in the middle of the day, they only eat sweets. I think this is not good, but they say it is fine.
  5. I usually play games for about 3 hours every day. But, last week, because there was a lot of homework, I was only able to play for about 30 minutes every day.
  6. Yesterday, I went together with my older sister to the department store to buy clothes for her. But, during the time she was searching for clothes, I ended up finding lots of very cute T-shirts, andI bought as many as five T-shirts. (Despite the fact that I don’t have much money…)
  7. I hear my teacher owns as many as five cats. Furthermore, they said they also have two dogs. That’s amazing, isn’t it!
  8. Because my father’s friend is the president of a large company, last year as the purpose of their job, I hear they went to foreign countries as many as 20 times. Going to various countries sounds very fun.
  9. I heard that that person over there carries as many as five cellular phones. I want to know why they carry as many as five phones.
  10. My friend’s room is not very wide. But, that friend really likes books, so within the room are as many as 500 books. That room is like a library. My friend is saying they really like their room.

[pp.91-92] 45-2. Reading & Writing Practice

  1. I can’t sleep.
    Lately, I have not been able to sleep much.
    A: e.g., That’s tough, isn’t it. Because you will get sick if you don’t sleep, it would be better to go to the hospital and try speaking to a doctor.
  2. Would it be better to study abroad?
    Now, I am studying Japanese. I want to study abroad in Japan and speak Japanese a lot more, but I have never been abroad, so I am worried. Do you think it would be better to study abroad?
  3. My homestay older brother is sometimes loud.
    I am doing a homestay. My older brother is a very kind and good person, but sometimes he is loud at night and there are times when I can’t sleep. Would it be better to speak to my older brother?
  4. I unfortunately received a bad grade.
    Lately my part time job has been busy, so I was unable to study much. Because of that, I unfortunately received a bad grade on an exam…
  5. It seems my friend can’t get up.
    It seems my friend is poor at getting up early in the morning. They say even though they go to bed early, they can’t get up early in the morning. Today, they came to morning class late, too.
  6. My eyes have become bad.
    Lately my eyes have become bad. In class, I have experienced being unable to read what the teacher writes. It may be because I use my computer every day for long periods of time.

[pp.93-94] 46-1. Reading Practice

  1. Cafe “Sakura”
    In front of the station, there is a cafe called “Sakura.” This restaurant’s cake called ‘Sakura Blizzard’ is very sweet and delicious. It is a little expensive, but please try it once!
  2. Vietnam cuisine “Saigon”
    The Vietnamese restaurant called “Saigon” is very good. A Vietnamese person called Fan-san cooks, and my Vietnamese friend also says the restaurant is delicious.
  3. Bookstore and cafe “Tatsutaya”
    Do you know a bookstore called “Tatsutaya?” It’s not a big bookstore, but it is very clean and quiet. Inside the bookstore there is also a cafe, and in that cafe you are able to read the books for sale. The coffee called “Tatsutaya blend” is also very delicious.
  4. Hamburger shop “The Burger”
    At the shop called “The Burger” you can eat huge hamburgers. On the menu is nothing but hamburgers. To the people who like meat, please go and see it.
  5. Hat shop “Cap Hat”
    At the shop called “Cap Hat” various hats are sold. Interesting hats from various countries that you can only buy at this store are also sold.
  6. “Piigo”
    Have you ever been to the store called “Piigo?” Because this shop is selling meat and vegetables, I thought it was a supermarket. Because of that, I went to this store yesterday to buy fish. But, at ‘Piigo’, there was no fish at all! ‘Piigo’ is a spacious store and sells anything that can be sold at a supermarket, except for fish. I wonder why fish is the only thing they don’t sell.
  7. Computer store “Yamaya”
    Because my computer unfortunately broke, I brought it to a computer store called “Yamaya.” The people at the store were very kind and polite. But, when I asked questions, they were not able to answer the questions [lit. things] that I asked much.
  8. Bread store “Bakery Suzuki”
    Do you know there is a bread store called “Bakery Suzuki” in the station near the college? All of this bread store’s bread is very delicious. There is no bread that is not delicious. I really like “Bakery Suzuki!”
  9. Restaurant “Yamato Tei”
    Inside the hotel called “Yamato Grand Hotel” there is a delicious Japanese restaurant called “Yamato Tei.” It’s very expensive in the evenings, but if it’s lunch, you can eat for around 2,500 yen.

[pp.96-97] 47-1 Reading Practice

  1. Item 01
    Easy to write. ★★★★☆
    This pen is very easy to hold and easy to write with. One pen is 100 yen, but it is also selling in sets of 6 for 500 yen.
  2. Item 02
    Too interesting! ★★★★★
    This game is too interesting. If you start playing at night, you can’t sleep. Please be careful!
  3. Item 03
    I want a pocket for my cell phone… ★★★☆☆
    This bag is cool-looking but it’s too heavy. And because there isn’t a small pocket to put my cell phone in, it might be a little difficult to use. I think 5,600 yen is a little too expensive.
  4. Item 04
    Would’ve been better not to buy it… ★☆☆☆☆
    This dictionary is too hard to use!!!
  5. Item 05
    It broke after 3 years. ★★☆☆☆
    This TV was big, easy to watch, and good, but regrettably it broke 3 years after I bought it.
  6. Item 06
    Easy to ride! ★★★★☆
    This bike is easy to ride, so I’m glad I bought it. I think it would be better if it was a little cheaper, but I think I can’t say it’s too expensive.
  7. Item 07
    Interesting, but the words are difficult. ★★★☆☆
    I think this book has an interesting story, but uses too many difficult words and I think it’s a little difficult to read. It might be good for people who like reading sentences that use difficult language.
  8. Item 08
    Can use it underwater! ★★★★★
    This digital camera is the most amazing to be able to use even underwater. When I go to swim in the ocean and rivers, I always bring this camera. Because it’s small and easy to hold, it’s easy to use even underwater, and can take very beautiful pictures.

[pp.98-99] 48-1. Reading Practice

  1. Now, I am a second year in high school. Because I want to enter a good college when I graduate from high school, every day I am studying a lot. But, my grades do not become much better. Perhaps the way I study may not be good. Is there a person who knows a clever way to study?
  2. I am a student studying Japanese. Because I have been studying Japanese for a year, I feel sure that I understand the way to make sentences. But, I am not good at pronunciation and speaking in front of people is not a strong point of mine. If there is someone who can teach me how to better pronounce Japanese, please email me!
  3. I really like bread. Until now, from various stores, I have been buying and eating bread. But recently, I started reading a book about how to make bread. Because ways of how to make various breads have been written, it is really interesting. If there are people who make bread as a hobby, would you like to try making bread in this book together with me?
  4. I am an exchange student studying in Japan. According to a friend, I hear that my way of speaking Japanese is too polite. Yesterday I was told “It’s better not to use “desu” and “masu.” But, I don’t know what kind of speech is better to use. Is the way of speaking to friends different from the way of speaking I learned in class?
  5. I am a Japanese person, but recently I have become unable to write some kanji. Reading it is fine. But, even the kanji I learned how to write in elementary school, there are times when I am unable to write them. I think it is because every day I use the computer too much. In order to not forget the way of writing kanji, I have to write more kanji. But, because doing it alone is boring, if there is an exchange student who wants to practice the way of writing kanji, won’t you study together with me?

[p.103] 49-6. Reading Practice

  1. My town is famous for its history. Because there are a lot of famous temples and old and beautiful buildings, people who like history come to travel a lot. In the town, there are a lot of volunteers and you can ask them various questions about history.
  2. My town is known for its beautiful mountains and rivers. Walking the mountain and playing in the river are popular. On the mountain, you can see various birds. Because the river’s water is clean, you can swim in it and even drinking it is all right. In summer every year a lot of people come.
  3. In my town there are various interesting shops. My top favorite store is a store called “Nandemo-ya (anything shop).” There, anything I want is sold. You can do such things as shopping, eating lunch and dinner, and relaxing while drinking beverages. Because “Nandemo-ya” is cheap, interesting, and you can buy anything, no matter when I go it is always crowded.
  4. My town is known for its good education training. Because my town uses a lot of money on education training, the school buildings are clean even if they are old, and no matter which school you go to there are usually new computers there. I think using a lot of money for education training is a good thing.

[pp.105-106] 50-1. Reading Practice

  1. I want to live in a big city like Tokyo.
  2. I want to become friends with a kind person like Yi-san.
  3. My older brother is very big. He is like a mountain.
  4. I like days like warm spring.
  5. I like smart people. I think people whose heads are like computers are good.
  6. Yesterday at my friend’s house, I saw a bird that can speak like a person. She was skilled at speaking language like a professional announcer and was very interesting.
  7. The water I drank yesterday was very delicious. Maybe the clean river water that no one has ever entered could be delicious like that.
  8. My business professor is very strict. They are a person like a cold snow coming down in a frigid winter.
  9. My dad knows really various things. He is like a walking dictionary.
  10. There are lots of pictures in my friend’s room. It is a room like an art gallery.
  11. My little brother is playing a game that looks very difficult.
  12. My friend’s dog is big like a lion. I heard it is a dog called a Great Dane.
  13. Because today the weather looks likely to rain, it is better not to forget to bring an umbrella if you go out.
  14. It is a wide and clean park, isn’t it. It looks like a park that my dog likes.
  15. This is a simple game that looks like even my grandfather, who has never played games, can play.
  16. A. This is fish that looks unappetizing, right?
    B. Right. It looks like a fish that even a cat would not eat, you know?
  17. I want to live a life where I can sleep when I want to sleep every day, like my cat does. But, my cat may be thinking she wants to go outside every day like I do.
  18. This is an English classroom for a child. I think it is too easy and boring for a university student.
  19. This is a menu for a person who doesn’t eat meat.
  20. I think foreign language vocabulary are food for the head. Do you understand what I mean?

[p.108] 51-1. Reading Practice

  1. My parents gave my younger sister twenty thousand yen. And then, they gave me thirty thousand yen.
  2. I gave my father the book he said he wanted to read. And then, I gave my mother a digital camera and my younger sister sweets that she likes.
  3. My younger sister gave our mother golf balls. She also gave our father golf balls. To me she gave a comic I like.
  4. My father gave my mother a beautiful ring. My mother gave my father a bicycle.

[p.109] 51-2. Writing Practice

When our neighbor’s (lit. person in the next house) illness was cured, my parents gave them flowers.
For my birthday last year, I received a Japanese book that I had been wanting to read from a university friend.

[pp.109-110] 51-4. Reading Practice

  1. For my birthday last month, my friends held (lit. did) a birthday party for me. And then, they sang my favorite song while dancing. I was really glad. It seems like they practiced a lot before the party.
  2. Yesterday, I didn’t know how to get to the bank. At that time, a person I didn’t know asked me “Are you alright? What are you looking for?” Therefore, I had the person show (lit. taught) me how to get to the bank. They were a very kind person.
  3. My father is a quiet and strict person. He doesn’t always say very kind words to me. But, last week when I was crying, he brought me coffee without saying anything. My father’s coffee was very delicious.
  4. I regrettably received a bad grade on the Japanese class speaking exam. It was very unfortunate. But on that day, my Japanese friend was worried and came to my room. So then, they said “Before your next speaking exam, let’s study a lot together.” to me. Before the next speaking exam, I’m thinking of asking that friend to make time and to study together.
  5. Yesterday night, I was very tired and didn’t want to talk to anyone. Therefore, I wanted to sleep early and went to my bedroom to sleep. But, I wasn’t able to sleep at all.
    At that time, my cat came to my room and slept together with me in the bed. My cat doesn’t often sleep in my room. But, last night they came to my room for my sake and slept together with me. I was very happy.

[pp.115-116] 53-5. Reading Practice

Last week Sunday, the university Japanese teacher held a party at her home for the foreign exchange students. The Japanese class students visited the teacher’s house. The teacher’s house was big and beautiful. Her husband and child were also in the house. We gave the teacher’s family a present which we bought in advance on Saturday.
The teacher made lots of Japanese cuisine for us ahead of time. I ate all the various foods which the teacher made. There was a fish dish which I had never eaten before, so I asked the teacher, “What kind of fish is this? Is it some kind of fish that’s often eaten in Japan?” The teacher said, “No, this is a kind of fish that is rare in Japan, too.”
Talking with the teacher’s family was very fun and the food that he had made for us was very delicious, so the party on Sunday was very fun. I think we will talk a lot about the party at the teacher’s house in tomorrow’s Japanese class. At that time, we would like to express our gratitude once more by saying “Thank you very much.”

  1. Wang-san’s Japanese teacher held a party for the Japanese class students. (lit. did a party)
  2. The teacher’s house was beautiful and big.
  3. The teacher bought a present for the students in advance on Saturday.
  4. The teacher cooked in preparation for the students.
  5. The teacher told Wang-san, “Students who like this fish are rare.”
  6. Wang-san thought the party held by the teacher was very fun.
  7. The students plan on saying, “Thank you very much.” to the teacher in tomorrow’s class.

[p.116] 53-6. Reading & Writing Practice

When I was a middle school student, there was a time when my parents became sick and were regrettably hospitalized. Being home alone at night was very scary. At those kinds of times, the neighbors (lit. people in the next house) came to my home. So then, they said “You can stay at our house tonight (lit. staying is okay).”

[p.118] 54-4. Reading & Writing Practice


  1. Last week when I was sick, a friend bought medicine for me and came over. I took that medicine, so the illness was cured immediately. I want to say, “Thank you for buying me medicine.” to my friend.
  2. When I wrote a letter of gratitude to the company president who allowed me to interview them last month, I regrettably got the kanji of the company name wrong. Next time we meet, I need to say “I’m very sorry for getting the kanji of your company’s name incorrect.”