English Translation: PANORAMA: Main Volume

[p.72] Comprehension Check GP3-2

  1. Tanaka: Do you eat breakfast every morning?
    Yi: Yes, I eat breakfast every morning.
  2. Yesterday, I studied in my university’s library with my friend. 
  3. I will read a magazine in the library. Then, I will go to a cafe. Then, I will return to my house.
  4. Tanaka: Yi-san, what will you do tonight?
    Yi: I will meet with a friend. What will you do?

[p.91] Comprehension Check GP4-3

  1. A: Who will come tonight?
    B: Tanaka-san will come.
  2. A: Which (lit. what kind of) colors do you like?
    B: I like gold and purple.
  3. A: I had a history test yesterday.
    B: Is (lit. was) that so? Was the test difficult?
  4. A: Sensei, excuse me. I have a question.
    B: Yes, what is it?
    A: This is a movie that is famous in India. Is it also famous in Japan?
  5. A: Do you often eat Japanese food?
    B: Yes, I often eat it. Sushi is my favorite.

[p.93] GP4-3 Quick Note

  1. A: Excuse me.
    B: Yes?
    A: Let’s play games in my room this weekend.
    B: That sounds good. Let’s do that.
  2. A: Do you want to study together in the library on Sunday?
    B: I won’t on Sunday. How about Monday?

[pp.104-105] Comprehension Check GP5-2 B

  1. A: Where do you eat dinner every day?
    B: I usually eat in my house.
    A: Is that so?
  2. A: How old are you?
    B: I am 5 years old.
  3. A: Where is this?
    B: It’s Kyoto.
  4. A: Did you study Japanese yesterday?
    B: Yes, I did. Did you also study, A-san?
    A: No, I didn’t.
  5. A: Excuse me.
    B: Yes?
    A: Where is the bathroom?
    B: It’s over there.
    A: Over there? Thank you.
    B: No problem.

[p.107] Comprehension Check GP5-3

  1. I think this dictionary is good.
  2. I think that person is a very polite person.
  3. I think that that is not Ueda-sensei’s car. 
  4. Tanaka-san said he will not come to the university tomorrow.
  5. My father said he is going to his job this weekend.
  6. I heard that Yi-san likes red.
  7. I heard that Tanaka-san bought a new cell phone.

[p.126] Comprehension Check GP6-5 A

  1. Yesterday my computer broke.
  2. Friends will come to my room tomorrow at midday. Therefore, I will buy drinks tonight. Then, tomorrow morning I will make a cake. 
  3. A: This book is very interesting!
    B: Is that so? Then, I’ll also read it.
  4. Last night, I didn’t do homework and slept. 
  5. A: I heard this game is very interesting. Do you want to play it together?
    B: That sounds good. 
  6. A: This is very important.
    B: Is that so? Then, I will write it here.

[pp.148-149] Comprehension Check GP8-2 B

  1. My car regrettably broke. Therefore, This month, regrettably [ I decided | it was decided ] that I need to go to school by train. 
  2. I thought I would buy strawberries. But, today apples are cheap. Therefore, [ I will decide | it will be decided ] that I will buy apples. 
  3. I studied Japanese for 2 years. Therefore, next year, [ I decided | it will be decided ] that I will go to Japan and study. I think I will talk to my teacher today.
  4. I was told it’s okay if I don’t come to my part time job this weekend. Therefore, [ I decided | it was decided ] that I can go to Saturday’s party.
  5. I like cooking. But, [ I make it a rule | it is a rule ] that I’m not supposed to cook in my dorm. It’s a little disappointing.
  6. I think that eating vegetables every day is important. Therefore, [ I make it a rule | it is a rule ] that I eat vegetables every morning. 
  7. At my university, [ I made it a rule | it is a rule ] that every student must study a foreign language. I think [ I will decide | it will be decided ] that I will study French. 
  8. There are still a lot of kanji that I can’t read yet. Therefore, [ I make it a rule | it is a rule ] that every day I study kanji for 30 minutes.

[p.150] Quick Note

  1. I want to become a doctor in the future.
  2. This morning was cold. But, this afternoon it became warm.
  3. In Japan, I ate delicious fish, and I came to like fish.
  4. My illness became a little better. But, I still can’t go to school.

[p.155] Comprehension Check GP9-2

  1. (a) I think it is beautiful.
    (b) I think that is a student.
  2. (a) This might be important.
    (b) That might be the company president.
  3. (a) I feel sure that I’m polite.
    (b) I feel sure that I’m a good student.
  4. (a) I hear that person is kind.
    (b) I hear that person is a university teacher.
  5. (a) That person appears to have spare time.
    (b) That appears to be a Japanese person.
  6. (a) That looks difficult/tough.
    (b) That looks like a good university.
  7. (a) That is probably convenient.
    (b) It will probably rain.
  8. (a) I like that(, so…).
    (b) That’s the company president(, so…).

[p.174] Comprehension Check GP10-2

  1. (a) He’s not skilled, but + S2.
    (b) He’s a student, but + S2.
  2. (a) Because it’s important, + S2.
    (b) Because she’s the company president, + S2.
  3. (a) Because it’s polite, + S2.
    (b) Because she’s a good student, + S2.
  4. (a) When it’s difficult/tough, + S2.
    (b) When I was a child, + S2.
  5. (b) Before/After class, + S2.
  6. (a) While it’s beautiful, + S2.
    (b) All during / During summer break, + S2.
  7. (b) Until 3 o’clock/By the time it’s 3 o’clock, + S2.
  8. (a) Because it’s convenient, + S2.
    (b) For my roommate, + S2.
  9. (a) If [it’s the case that] it’s impossible, + S2.
    (b) If [it’s the case that] you’re riding a bike (lit. it is a bike),+S2.
  10. (a) When(ever)/If it’s quiet, + S2.
    (b) When(ever)/If you drive a car (lit. it is a car), + S2.
  11. (a) Despite the fact that I’m healthy, + S2.
    (b) In spite of the fact that he’s a doctor, + S2.

[p.179] Comprehension Check GP10-3 [2]

  1. After class ends, let’s go to a cafe near the university.
  2. Before I slept yesterday, I talked with my friend on the phone for around an hour.
  3. During the time that my friend was in class, I studied in the library while waiting. 
  4. I want to eat a lot of delicious sushi to prepare for (my departure from Japan) while I’m in Japan.
  5. When I was a kid, until I finished my homework, my parents didn’t let me play games.
  6. By the time my friend comes, I need to do all of my homework.
  7. When my friends come to my house, I always clean my room in preparation.
  8. When I forget vocabulary, I always use my smartphone’s dictionary.

[p.181] Comprehension Check GP10-3 [3]

  1. In order to study Japanese, I decided to come to this university.
  2. So that I can get to the university without riding a bus, I think I will buy a bike.
  3. So that children can read it, please write it in simple sentences.
  4. In order to go to the party, I bought new clothes.
  5. Because I regrettably got sick, I couldn’t graduate this year.
  6. For my friend whose birthday is today, I made a strawberry cake.
  7. So that my brother doesn’t drink the alcohol I got from a friend, I wrote my name on the alcohol in preparation.

[p.182] Quick Note

  1. Because I’ve regrettably done a lot of shopping this month, I will be sure to ______
  2. Because I want to become skilled at Japanese, I have been making sure to ______
  3. Because class starts at 10 o’clock, please be sure to _______

[p.185] Comprehension Check GP10-3 [4] B

  1. A. How can I get a good grade? (lit. If I do how, I can get a good grade?)
    B. If you study every day and memorize all of the vocabulary and kanji, I think you will get a good grade.
  2. I don’t like snow. But, every year when it becomes winter in my town, a lot of snow falls.
  3. If you come tomorrow, please call me before you leave the house.
  4. A. Can you play the piano?
    B. No, I cannot. But, if it is a guitar, I can play.
  5. When it becomes cold, I cannot get up in the morning.
  6. A. I heard that this class’s exam is very difficult.
    B. Yes, but if you study a lot, then I think you’ll be okay.

[p.187] Comprehension Check GP10-3 [5] A

  1. I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow or not. But,even if it rains, I will go to a mountain tomorrow. 
  2. This exam was difficult, but I was able to get a good grade.
  3. A. Did you play games on Monday and Tuesday?
    B. On Monday I played, but on Tuesday, I didn’t. 
  4. Despite the fact that this phone was very expensive, it regrettably broke immediately.

[pp.198-199] Comprehension Check GP11-2 / Quick Note B

  1. Q:
    A: My older sister is taller than my mother.
  2. Q:
    A: Reading is more difficult than speaking. It’s because there is kanji.
  3. Q: 
    A: Wednesday is better than Tuesday.
  4. Q: 
    A: I like hot coffee better than cold coffee.
  5. Q: 
    A: I like golf the most. 
  6. Q: 
    A: I want to go to Vietnam the most.

[p.204] Comprehension Check GP11-4

  1. Because this is homework, I cannot sleep until I finish watching this movie.
  2. Because this dictionary is difficult to use, I’m thinking of buying an easy to use one.
  3. I started playing the piano when I was 3 years old.
  4. My study abroad ends today, but even after I return to my country, I will continue studying Japanese.
  5. Because I didn’t know how to buy a ticket, I wasn’t able to ride the bus.
  6. This ramen is too spicy. I cannot eat it.
  7. This game is too easy. Is there one that’s more difficult?
  8. This clothing is easy to wear and very good. But, it is too expensive and I cannot buy it.
  9. Because I missed too many homework assignments (lit. I didn’t do homework too much), I regrettably received a bad grade.
  10. A: Do you know how to get to the store? Because it’s small, it’s a little difficult to find. 
    B: Ah, is that so?

[p.207] Comprehension Check GP11-5

  1. I will go to Kyoto in Japan. And, I will climb Mt. Fuji.
  2. When I was a kid, in the summer vacation, I often played tennis with my parents. And, I played games with my friends.
  3. This weekend, I have decided to go out with my friends. And, I have decided to clean my room.
  4. I don’t have money. And, I am busy today. Therefore, I cannot go to the party.
  5. Tanaka-san is smart. And, he studies with all his effort everyday. Therefore, I think he will be able to get a good grade.
  6. I hear that food is delicious. And, I’ve never been. Therefore, I want to go to France.

[p.212] Comprehension Check GP11-7

  1. Because I have an important test tomorrow morning, I will go to sleep early tonight.
  2. March is still cold. But, when it becomes April, it becomes warm.
  3. The class has become difficult recently. I have to study diligently.
  4. I want to speak Japanese fluently like Yi-san.
  5. If you run like this, you can run faster.
  6. Who is that person (over there) dancing in an enjoyable-looking manner?
  7. It is a little loud, you know? Please be quiet.
  8. I like sweet things very much. When I drink coffee, too, I put in a lot of sugar and make it sweet.
  9. Because this essay is a little short, I have to make it longer.

[p.218] Comprehension Check GP12-1 [2] A

  1. Yi-san taught me greeting expressions in Korean.
  2. Tanaka-san taught someone that he didn’t know how to get to the station.
  3. Yi-san bought snacks for my younger brother. 
  4. My dad cleaned my room for me.
  5. My younger sister sang a famous Japanese song for Yi-san’s birthday.

[p.228] Comprehension Check GP12-3 [2]

  1. The teacher usually comes to the university at 7:30 and returns around 5:00.
  2. The teacher usually eats lunch at the university cafeteria. Sometimes they also go to a cafe.
  3. I heard that the teacher exercises while watching TV every night. Then, they read a book and go to bed around 11:00.
  4. The teacher gave me a Japanese book. They said it’s a very interesting book.
  5. Ueda-sensei is a Japanese language teacher. She got married in 2008. 
  6. Today, I went to the teacher’s office. There, I got a Japanese book from the teacher.
  7. I showed the teacher pictures of my country. Also, I gave them a souvenir from my country.
  8. Because I had something that I wanted to say to the teacher before I returned to my country, I called their office from the airport. 
  9. Yesterday I saw a picture the teacher drew.
  10. Sensei, there are things I want to consult with you. Will you be in your office this afternoon?

[p.232] Comprehension Check GP12-3 [3][4] and Refined Language A

  1. Because I don’t have money, I can’t do anything even though it’s New Year’s.
  2. Sensei, on weekends, where do you often go to?
  3. I’m sorry, today I’m a little busy. How about tomorrow?
  4. Because my friend will come tomorrow, I will buy tea and snacks in advance.
  5. The bathroom is [located] over there.

[pp.232-233] Comprehension Check GP12-3 [3][4] and Refined Language B

  1. As for me, I have two younger brothers. 
  2. As for the teacher, they have two children.
  3. When I have free time, I often go to the cafe near the university.
  4. What did you do last weekend, sensei?
  5. I usually study Japanese for about four hours everyday. 
  6. My name is Taro Tanaka.

[p.238] Comprehension Check GP12-4 [1][2]

  1. Yi-san, would you please lend your bicycle to me for a second? 
  2. Yi-san, could you please practice this conversation together?
  3. Sensei, can you teach me how to read this kanji?
  4. Sensei, would you sing that song again?
  5. Excuse me, would you show me the picture? 
  6. Excuse me, could you please have a seat here?