Tanaka: Do you eat breakfast every morning? Yi: Yes, I eat breakfast every morning.
Yesterday, I studied in my university’s library with my friend.
I will read a magazine in the library. Then, I will go to a cafe. Then, I will return to my house.
Tanaka: Yi-san, what will you do tonight? Yi: I will meet with a friend. What will you do?
[p.91] Comprehension Check GP4-3
A: Who will come tonight? B: Tanaka-san will come.
A: Which (lit. what kind of) colors do you like? B: I like gold and purple.
A: I had a history test yesterday. B: Is (lit. was) that so? Was the test difficult?
A: Sensei, excuse me. I have a question. B: Yes, what is it? A: This is a movie that is famous in India. Is it also famous in Japan?
A: Do you often eat Japanese food? B: Yes, I often eat it. Sushi is my favorite.
[p.93] GP4-3 Quick Note
A: Excuse me. B: Yes? A: Let’s play games in my room this weekend. B: That sounds good. Let’s do that.
A: Do you want to study together in the library on Sunday? B: I won’t on Sunday. How about Monday?
[pp.104-105] Comprehension Check GP5-2 B
A: Where do you eat dinner every day? B: I usually eat in my house. A: Is that so?
A: How old are you? B: I am 5 years old.
A: Where is this? B: It’s Kyoto.
A: Did you study Japanese yesterday? B: Yes, I did. Did you also study, A-san? A: No, I didn’t.
A: Excuse me. B: Yes? A: Where is the bathroom? B: It’s over there. A: Over there? Thank you. B: No problem.
[p.107] Comprehension Check GP5-3
I think this dictionary is good.
I think that person is a very polite person.
I think that that is not Ueda-sensei’s car.
Tanaka-san said he will not come to the university tomorrow.
My father said he is going to his job this weekend.
I heard that Yi-san likes red.
I heard that Tanaka-san bought a new cell phone.
[p.126] Comprehension Check GP6-5 A
Yesterday my computer broke.
Friends will come to my room tomorrow at midday. Therefore, I will buy drinks tonight. Then, tomorrow morning I will make a cake.
A: This book is very interesting! B: Is that so? Then, I’ll also read it.
Last night, I didn’t do homework and slept.
A: I heard this game is very interesting. Do you want to play it together? B: That sounds good.
A: This is very important. B: Is that so? Then, I will write it here.
[pp.148-149] Comprehension Check GP8-2 B
My car regrettably broke. Therefore, This month, regrettably [ I decided | it was decided ] that I need to go to school by train.
I thought I would buy strawberries. But, today apples are cheap. Therefore, [ I will decide | it will be decided ] that I will buy apples.
I studied Japanese for 2 years. Therefore, next year, [ I decided | it will be decided ] that I will go to Japan and study. I think I will talk to my teacher today.
I was told it’s okay if I don’t come to my part time job this weekend. Therefore, [ I decided | it was decided ] that I can go to Saturday’s party.
I like cooking. But, [ I make it a rule | it is a rule ] that I’m not supposed to cook in my dorm. It’s a little disappointing.
I think that eating vegetables every day is important. Therefore, [ I make it a rule | it is a rule ] that I eat vegetables every morning.
At my university, [ I made it a rule | it is a rule ] that every student must study a foreign language. I think [ I will decide | it will be decided ] that I will study French.
There are still a lot of kanji that I can’t read yet. Therefore, [ I make it a rule | it is a rule ] that every day I study kanji for 30 minutes.
[p.150] Quick Note
I want to become a doctor in the future.
This morning was cold. But, this afternoon it became warm.
In Japan, I ate delicious fish, and I came to like fish.
My illness became a little better. But, I still can’t go to school.
[p.155] Comprehension Check GP9-2
(a) I think it is beautiful. (b) I think that is a student.
(a) This might be important. (b) That might be the company president.
(a) I feel sure that I’m polite. (b) I feel sure that I’m a good student.
(a) I hear that person is kind. (b) I hear that person is a university teacher.
(a) That person appears to have spare time. (b) That appears to be a Japanese person.
(a) That looks difficult/tough. (b) That looks like a good university.
(a) That is probably convenient. (b) It will probably rain.
(a) I like that(, so…). (b) That’s the company president(, so…).
[p.174] Comprehension Check GP10-2
(a) He’s not skilled, but + S2. (b) He’s a student, but + S2.
(a) Because it’s important, + S2. (b) Because she’s the company president, + S2.
(a) Because it’s polite, + S2. (b) Because she’s a good student, + S2.
(a) When it’s difficult/tough, + S2. (b) When I was a child, + S2.
(b) Before/After class, + S2.
(a) While it’s beautiful, + S2. (b) All during / During summer break, + S2.
(b) Until 3 o’clock/By the time it’s 3 o’clock, + S2.
(a) Because it’s convenient, + S2. (b) For my roommate, + S2.
(a) If [it’s the case that] it’s impossible, + S2. (b) If [it’s the case that] you’re riding a bike (lit. it is a bike),+S2.
(a) When(ever)/If it’s quiet, + S2. (b) When(ever)/If you drive a car (lit. it is a car), + S2.
(a) Despite the fact that I’m healthy, + S2. (b) In spite of the fact that he’s a doctor, + S2.
[p.179] Comprehension Check GP10-3 [2]
After class ends, let’s go to a cafe near the university.
Before I slept yesterday, I talked with my friend on the phone for around an hour.
During the time that my friend was in class, I studied in the library while waiting.
I want to eat a lot of delicious sushi to prepare for (my departure from Japan) while I’m in Japan.
When I was a kid, until I finished my homework, my parents didn’t let me play games.
By the time my friend comes, I need to do all of my homework.
When my friends come to my house, I always clean my room in preparation.
When I forget vocabulary, I always use my smartphone’s dictionary.
[p.181] Comprehension Check GP10-3 [3]
In order to study Japanese, I decided to come to this university.
So that I can get to the university without riding a bus, I think I will buy a bike.
So that children can read it, please write it in simple sentences.
In order to go to the party, I bought new clothes.
Because I regrettably got sick, I couldn’t graduate this year.
For my friend whose birthday is today, I made a strawberry cake.
So that my brother doesn’t drink the alcohol I got from a friend, I wrote my name on the alcohol in preparation.
[p.182] Quick Note
Because I’ve regrettably done a lot of shopping this month, I will be sure to ______
Because I want to become skilled at Japanese, I have been making sure to ______
Because class starts at 10 o’clock, please be sure to _______
[p.185] Comprehension Check GP10-3 [4] B
A. How can I get a good grade? (lit. If I do how, I can get a good grade?) B. If you study every day and memorize all of the vocabulary and kanji, I think you will get a good grade.
I don’t like snow. But, every year when it becomes winter in my town, a lot of snow falls.
If you come tomorrow, please call me before you leave the house.
A. Can you play the piano? B. No, I cannot. But, if it is a guitar, I can play.
When it becomes cold, I cannot get up in the morning.
A. I heard that this class’s exam is very difficult. B. Yes, but if you study a lot, then I think you’ll be okay.
[p.187] Comprehension Check GP10-3 [5] A
I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow or not. But,even if it rains, I will go to a mountain tomorrow.
This exam was difficult, but I was able to get a good grade.
A. Did you play games on Monday and Tuesday? B. On Monday I played, but on Tuesday, I didn’t.
Despite the fact that this phone was very expensive, it regrettably broke immediately.
[pp.198-199] Comprehension Check GP11-2 / Quick Note B
Q: A: My older sister is taller than my mother.
Q: A: Reading is more difficult than speaking. It’s because there is kanji.
Q: A: Wednesday is better than Tuesday.
Q: A: I like hot coffee better than cold coffee.
Q: A: I like golf the most.
Q: A: I want to go to Vietnam the most.
[p.204] Comprehension Check GP11-4
Because this is homework, I cannot sleep until I finish watching this movie.
Because this dictionary is difficult to use, I’m thinking of buying an easy to use one.
I started playing the piano when I was 3 years old.
My study abroad ends today, but even after I return to my country, I will continue studying Japanese.
Because I didn’t know how to buy a ticket, I wasn’t able to ride the bus.
This ramen is too spicy. I cannot eat it.
This game is too easy. Is there one that’s more difficult?
This clothing is easy to wear and very good. But, it is too expensive and I cannot buy it.
Because I missed too many homework assignments (lit. I didn’t do homework too much), I regrettably received a bad grade.
A: Do you know how to get to the store? Because it’s small, it’s a little difficult to find. B: Ah, is that so?
[p.207] Comprehension Check GP11-5
I will go to Kyoto in Japan. And, I will climb Mt. Fuji.
When I was a kid, in the summer vacation, I often played tennis with my parents. And, I played games with my friends.
This weekend, I have decided to go out with my friends. And, I have decided to clean my room.
I don’t have money. And, I am busy today. Therefore, I cannot go to the party.
Tanaka-san is smart. And, he studies with all his effort everyday. Therefore, I think he will be able to get a good grade.
I hear that food is delicious. And, I’ve never been. Therefore, I want to go to France.
[p.212] Comprehension Check GP11-7
Because I have an important test tomorrow morning, I will go to sleep early tonight.
March is still cold. But, when it becomes April, it becomes warm.
The class has become difficult recently. I have to study diligently.
I want to speak Japanese fluently like Yi-san.
If you run like this, you can run faster.
Who is that person (over there) dancing in an enjoyable-looking manner?
It is a little loud, you know? Please be quiet.
I like sweet things very much. When I drink coffee, too, I put in a lot of sugar and make it sweet.
Because this essay is a little short, I have to make it longer.
[p.218] Comprehension Check GP12-1 [2] A
Yi-san taught me greeting expressions in Korean.
Tanaka-san taught someone that he didn’t know how to get to the station.
Yi-san bought snacks for my younger brother.
My dad cleaned my room for me.
My younger sister sang a famous Japanese song for Yi-san’s birthday.
[p.228] Comprehension Check GP12-3 [2]
The teacher usually comes to the university at 7:30 and returns around 5:00.
The teacher usually eats lunch at the university cafeteria. Sometimes they also go to a cafe.
I heard that the teacher exercises while watching TV every night. Then, they read a book and go to bed around 11:00.
The teacher gave me a Japanese book. They said it’s a very interesting book.
Ueda-sensei is a Japanese language teacher. She got married in 2008.
Today, I went to the teacher’s office. There, I got a Japanese book from the teacher.
I showed the teacher pictures of my country. Also, I gave them a souvenir from my country.
Because I had something that I wanted to say to the teacher before I returned to my country, I called their office from the airport.
Yesterday I saw a picture the teacher drew.
Sensei, there are things I want to consult with you. Will you be in your office this afternoon?
[p.232] Comprehension Check GP12-3 [3][4] and Refined Language A
Because I don’t have money, I can’t do anything even though it’s New Year’s.
Sensei, on weekends, where do you often go to?
I’m sorry, today I’m a little busy. How about tomorrow?
Because my friend will come tomorrow, I will buy tea and snacks in advance.
The bathroom is [located] over there.
[pp.232-233] Comprehension Check GP12-3 [3][4] and Refined Language B
As for me, I have two younger brothers.
As for the teacher, they have two children.
When I have free time, I often go to the cafe near the university.
What did you do last weekend, sensei?
I usually study Japanese for about four hours everyday.
My name is Taro Tanaka.
[p.238] Comprehension Check GP12-4 [1][2]
Yi-san, would you please lend your bicycle to me for a second?
Yi-san, could you please practice this conversation together?