日本語 (Japanese)

Elementary Japanese: PANORAMA is an elementary-level textbook designed to meet the needs of Japanese learners in today’s rapidly changing educational environment. In recent years, more and more learners have access to a digital device that allows them to practice the various aspects of a language on their own. This textbook takes advantage of such technology to provide a course of study that makes learning Japanese simpler and more efficient than ever, both inside and outside the classroom. It balances the sense of enjoyment and accomplishment learners can experience through pair work and group activities with the pinpoint focus afforded by technology-assisted individual practice, thereby allowing each learner to tailor their study to their own needs.

Here are some particularly noteworthy aspects of this textbook’s design:

  • Organization: The material generally understood to encompass “elementary Japanese” is frequently separated into two volumes; here, however, it is covered in just one volume organized into only twelve overarching grammar points. This organization systematizes the study of the material and makes it easier to digest, thereby facilitating quicker and more efficient learning.
  • Variety: There is a great diversity of different practice opportunities provided, from sentence level individual exercises to conversation practice in pairs and groups, as well as reading and writing practice. This variety allows learners to build up the base needed for advancement to the intermediate level as they polish their language skills both in and out of class.
  • Technology: The various technological resources provided help learners proceed at their own pace and focus in on any problem areas they have identified. These resources include a spaced-repetition app for memorizing vocabulary, kanji, and expressions and a suite of videos and self-assessment tools available on this website.

Do you still need additional reasons to use this textbook? If that is the case, please check this page, too!

『初級日本語 パノラマ』

『初級日本語 パノラマ』は、近年の急速な学習環境の変化に合わせて、学習を「よりシンプルに、より効率的に」進められるようにデザインした初級日本語教科書です。昨今、学習者が一人一台ずつ端末を持つ環境が進み、個別の学習活動を行うことが可能になってきました。本書はこのようなテクノロジー環境を活かしながら、教室内外で個々の学習者がより効率よく学べることを目指して開発しました。ペアワークやグループワークなどの共同作業を通して得られる喜びや達成感を大切にしながら、同時に、テクノロジーを活用した個人練習をバランスよく取り入れることで、ニーズが異なる一人一人の学習者に適した学習活動を提供します。




テクノロジーの活用:単語、漢字、表現の学習用に、間隔反復(spaced repetition)を使った学習アプリ、およびウェブにビデオ練習やクイズを用意しており、学習者が自分のペースで個別学習できるようになっている。
